Salam and hi again,
How do you guys doing?
I think this entry is going to be the last entry
for this semester. I hope I'll be writing this some more
in the future. I do not want to stop blogging as I really like
it very much. For this semester only, I need to write in 3 blogs.
Huhu quite tiring especially when it comes to the part where I
need to search and urge my brain to come out with ideas
to write. Haha... but really I'm getting use to it, and I hope I'll be
writing more and more in the future.
First, in this entry I would like to talk about what I like about blogging.
For me, blogging is a way to express feeling. It is a place for you
to write whatever you think to write, it may be a journal of what you
have been doing throughout the years, day by day. It may also be
a portfolio where you reflect on your work, studies or projects.
It shows the development of learning. That is why I like blogging.
From the very first week, I learn and develop and I reflect back
on my learning through my entries from week to week.
Besides, through blogging I can
also share videos, and also interesting pictures for my friends
or readers to enjoy and at the same time understand what I want
to convey through my writing. Through blogging also, I feel relax
when I am writing it. For example, like what I am doing right now,
I am listening to musics and write this. hehe.. take time and enjoy
Secondly, what I want to write here is what I DO NOT like about blogging.
Hmm.. from my experience of dealing with other Web 2.0 like social
networking, social bookmark, video sharing, photo sharing and editing software,
for me blogging is still not much into the features. If we compared to social
networking like Facebook, Windows Live or Twitter. All that have more features
and even games for us to play. This make blogging is not much attractive if
compared to the social network. But, still it has it own advantages like what I have
explain before.
In addition, blogging did not really connect us to our friends. Like what I have said before,
it is hard for us to go to others blog unless we are being updated about that. Of course,
we have bloglines for us to visit and explore on what our friends have been updated
but still it is not as fast as being in social network.
Thirdly and fourthly, although blogging has some disadvantages which I could not bare to like it,
but really it helps me a lot in improving my language skills especially in writing.
Blogging really helps me to write and express ideas at the same time. It make
me thinking and thinking and improve my critical thinking skills and thought processes.
I need to write every week for the whole semester and it is not for one subject
but threee subject. For me, before this I take time to write,
I need to think, brainstorming some ideas and then I can start writing and may
stuck at certain point. But now, when I need to write in the blog, I just open it,
create new post and start writing what ever I have in my mind. It is not really
difficult as before. I am not struggling to write and I just need to express everything.
Before tjis, it is hard for me to express myself but through blogging I find it really
helpfull in term of self-expression.
Also, blogging helps me in technology skills. I learn how to make blog when
I enter this course. To be honest, I do not have any blog before and I do not have any
urge to make one as before this I do not see any advantages of doing this
except of wasting time. haha... but now I'm quite addicted to it....hehe...
I also improve my typing skills and also internet skills. I learn from steps to
steps to make my blog looks beautiful, neat and make me want to read it and
also the readers hopefully and at last here it is, my PBEY 3102- Heaven of Teaching.
I am quite proud of myself, haha to be able to finally create and have my own blog.
I really learn a lot in the process of accomplishing it actually. From, creating, decorating,
adding features, changing the setting, everything are very useful for me and really
improve my skills in every way of learning.
Fifth, about this whole course, PBEY 3102,
as I called it Heaven of Teaching, it explains everything,
What I like about this course is I learn A LOT.
Very very much learning about technologies
which sometimes make me sick of looking at my own laptop...haha...
But I enjoy it and I really LOVE this course,
I learn from the very beginning on internet skills, especially
on how to search for imformations and a lot more...
Then, as time moves, I also learn on how to edit pictures, videos
and also audio. I also learn on certain software that can be used in
teaching an ESL classroom like Microsoft Publisher.
Also, making the video is the best part. haha... I do not sleep just
because of making sure that I did the best for the video including
what song that I should use to make the video interesting. For that only,
I took almost 2 hours to make a right choice. Whatever it is, I really
ENJOY in the process of making it and also in other skills.
Sixth, what I DO NOT like about this couse?
Hmm... maybe it just contains a lot of work to do. I admit that as we
were having other work to complete, it is quite stessful
to have all the workloads... haha..but I think each and
everyone of us are doing it quite well. We manage to go through
it and do it all well. That is what I like about Cohort 4...
We always been naughty and say that there are lots of things to do,
BUT at the end everything FINISH. We manage to do IT!!!
Hehe..I think that is all what I do not like about this course..
Everything else is quite okay so far.
Seventh, I want to talk about what I have learnt throughout the whole course.
For me, this course really help me in terms of preparing for my future.
It does really help me in using technology in the classroom. before this, I never
know that, there are so many ways to improve my teaching in the
classroom by using technology. And the BEST thing is, it is FAST and cheap
also. I do not need other thing except my Laptop and some other aids like
CD and LCD projector and I think all that are provided in most school
nowadays. So why wasting such a big opportunity. It does not help me
financially only but also in time consuming. I do not have to take much time
to prepare a technological teaching aid.
I already learn on internet skills, editing pictures and audios, making
videos and using software. So, why waste everything that I have learnt.
I will try to treasure all the skills learnt in this course especially
as my aids in teaching.
Eighth, what did I learnt that I did not expect to learn from this course? I think I
will only learn on a few things on what we can be using later in the classroom but
it turns out that I learnt almost all the skills needed in technological field.
I never though that it will be this MUCH!!! Haha.. I am glad to have learnt all
that or else, I will still refrain from the technological world. I will still be using the
hand made teaching aids only. Before this, what I know is using Power Point only.
But, I never know that they are so much things that I can explore and utilize it
to the maximum.
Ninth, what I have expected but do not learn from this course? Hmm.. I think
I expected more on theoretically learning this subject.. Haha.. about what
are video editing and on and on.. But in the end, all what we have learnt is
hands-on learning and more to independantly learning. Haha.. but I love it,
as if it is theoretically I might be dozzed off in the classroom rather than listening
to the lecture.. So, for me, this course is MORE than what were expected.
Tenth, hmmm... about changing anything about this course, I cannot think
much. Maybe just improving on the group work. I know that it will be fair if we work
with different people but sometimes this also makes us difficult to work.
This is because, we choose to work with group that we think it is easier for us
to divide work and meet to complete work, if we always changing group,
it really confuses us and also a little bit difficult to meet and take time for us
to get together. So, I think it is better for us to stick in one or maybe two group
only in the whole semester.
Last but not least, if I am to rate my computing and technological skills
for both before and undergoing the course on scale 1-10, I will give 3
for before I am in the course and 8 for after I am in the course. After all the learning,
I learn from Nothing to EVERYTHING. Not to say, I do not know anything about
technology before, I've been using computers and internet before todo my work
and search for information like using MS Word, MS Publisher and MS Power Point,
Using Yahoo and Google search engine to search for information or images that I need.
I also used to use KeepVid to download video from Youtube and some more
other skills. But not AS MUCH as what I have learnt in the course. Mostly,
like photo and audio editng it is totally new for me. And also in creating the video.
Before this, I just know about Windows Media Maker and never take any chance
to use it and haha now EVERYTHING is at my fingertips. I can just use it anytime
I want to and it is really fast. So, I think I am really able to use what I have learnt from this
course. The other 2 over 10 is for rooms for improvement. There are a lot
more knowledge in technological world that I need to explore. Everything will
improve and change.. That is why I need to continue learning. And so as you all
out there. Never stop learning and make it a life-long learning. May you all EXCELL in everything you do in the future!!!
All in all, for me,
I really learned A LOT from this course,
this course help me in improving myself in everyway
including of dealing with stress. Hehe.. But I manage to go through all
of it. I hope, My friends and I are able to be good teachers in the future.
We really hope for THE BEST!!!!
I think that is all for my last entry in this semester.. Sayonara...
See you again hopefully...This is my masterpiece for this
semester..Hope you all enjoy reading it and I also want to take this ooportunity
to say sorry for all the wrong the doing especially to the lecturer, Puan Foziah
and also all my friends. I also want to thank all of you, without the help
from all of you, I will not be able to complete this course successfully.
Thank you [n_n]
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