how are you guys doing?
It is week 14 already... The last week of this semester...
Which means exam is around the corner..Huhu that the
worse part...
How about your preparation?
Hmm... me???? haha..still no courage to study....
This week,
in PBEY 3102 class,
nothing much happen....
Puan foziah just sharing some stories with us,
and from the stories told, it really encourages me to go abroad,
to further my studies and also to see other people's region.
I really want to see other country in the world,
experiencing new things, new environment...
New friends maybe... Huhu how I wish I
could do that...Maybe with God will,nothing is impossible...
What else? We also having a short discussion on
planning and making a Lesson Plan....
What is a lesson plan? and why we need lesson plan?
Hmm.. if you are teachers lesson plan is a very common thing
yet important as it is a plan for us teachers to carry out the
lesson in the classroom as what we have planned and arranged.
Lesson plan is very much needed for teachers to give a
benchmark to start the lesson and also to make us prepare
the teaching aids or whatever needed in order to
teach a lesson. The teaching aids may be in technological form
like video, edited pictures, e-book and a lot more types of
technological teaching aids,
and it may be hand made or more or less non technological teaching aids like
flashcards and posters.
Hmm... Puan foziah also discuss some very important
things that she want to have in the lesson plan.
All these process to make a lesson plan is very important
for us for our future use as teachers. We will not be struggling around
searching for suitable lessons as we can easily adapt what
we have made here from the very first year we study until
the end. For me, everything that we have learned are
made intentionally for our future use. We should waste any of what we
have been learning or made throughout the whole
year of learning.
Hmm.. so guys make full use of what we have been learning ok.
Nothing will work out if we do not work for it.
Nothing is impossible if you make it possible.
So, I think that is all for this entry. We will meet again in
my 15th entry of all.
Ok, good luck for your examination guys.
It's time to burn the midnight oil.
Happy studying! Pen off [n_n]
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