Want to take this chance to wish Selamat Hari Raya again to all...
Hehe...Now back to work mode....
Week 11 already past and there are only 3 weeks more to go...
First and foremost, how's your Hari Raya guys? Must be splendid right?
Hope you all enjoy it to the maximum as they are some more work and assignment waiting..
As in week 11, we combined with Tuesday group as our lecturer Puan Foziah is
not in well condition... Thus, on that day, some of the groups presented on the
articles that we got before...
There are different findings from every article and I think all the groups did
a very good job in presenting...
As for my group, we presented about the use of technology in English Language Learning...
From my own understanding about the article, in English Language Learning it should involve all the 4 elements or the 4 basic skills which are speaking, listening, reading and writing. It is important to use technology to enhance all those skills so that pupils will be able to acquire their English Language easily.
On the other hand, after every group has presented their article, we discussed about the assignment that we need to send within this 3 weeks. This is because, there is some confusion with the Tuesday group as we the Thursday group did not aware that assignment 2 need to be send in week 12 together with the video. However, all confusion were solved on that day and I think all of us are clear on what to do and when all of the assignment are due.
Hmm.. I think that is all on what happen on last Thursday.. I think the presentation is good for us so that we would be able to present lessons to our students in the future. Same goes with all the other assignment.. As appear in my blog title PBEY 3102 -Heaven of Teaching, this course clearly provided us with all things that we need to prepare for a real classroom. We learn by ourselves on how to prepare teaching aids, how to create our own video, editing pictures and audio and a lot more..
As for me, all these will really help us in the future. So, keep up the hard work guys...
Let us walk towards the success and our future beloved career
, TEACHER!!!>_<>
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